Modern Slavery Act – Slavery & Human Trafficking Statement

UNPARALLELED LTD has a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery and are fully committed to preventing slavery and human trafficking in our operation and supply chain.

UNPARALLELED LTD is committed to combatting modern slavery and human trafficking in all forms across its business and supply chain. Modern slavery is fundamentally unacceptable, and we expect our stakeholders and suppliers to maintain the highest ethical standards and implement the steps required to identify and prevent modern slavery. UNPARALLELED LTD is committed to collaborating with its stakeholders to promote best practice, comply with expected standards and ensure continuous improvement in the prevention of modern slavery.

UNPARALLELED LTD has embedded a governance structure to review and identify risks of modern slavery and human trafficking. The governance structure ensures that reviews of suppliers’ documents and policies take place regularly and any concerns regarding risk are escalated to the CEO and the Board.

UNPARALLELED LTD key stakeholders are shareholders, investors, employees, customers, suppliers and industry body. The company endeavours to have an ongoing dialogue with employees, suppliers, in an effort to combat modern slavery and human trafficking together and promote industry alignment.

Tackling modern slavery is a key objective for UNPARALLELED LTD. Due to its importance, since the previous modern slavery statement, UNPARALLELED LTD has engaged with advisory firm, to review the company’s approach to modern slavery risks, improve management systems, and has appointed an ESG Manager to facilitate the implementation of best practices the Group. The consultants have conducted a desktop review of the Group’s top 40 suppliers, made recommendations on third-party supplier audits, provided guidance during the drafting process of the modern slavery statement, and reviewed the Group’s Supplier Code of Conduct (“Supplier Code”). These recommendations are in the process of being implemented and suppliers will be asked to sign and adhere to the updated Supplier Code from October 2023.

Thank you,